Saturday, June 16, 2012

Types of Computer Viruses

Types of Computer Viruses Overview

There is now a man who has not heard about computer viruses. What is it, what are the types of computer viruses and malicious programs try to understand this article.

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Thus, computer viruses can be divided into the following types:

Advertising Programs. Under the publicity and awareness programs mean programs that, in addition to its primary function, are also showing advertising banners and all sorts of pop-up ads. Such messages with advertising is sometimes quite difficult to hide or disable. These promotional programs are based at work on the behavior of computer users, and are quite problematic for reasons of system security.

Backdoors (Backdoor). Utilities allow covert administration, bypassing the security system, put the computer created the user control. The program, which operates in stealth mode, which gives the hacker unlimited right to control the system. By using such backdoor-programs can get access to the personal and the personal user data. Often such programs are used for transmission of computer viruses and malicious programs hidden installation without your knowledge.

Boot viruses. Often the main boot sector of your HDD is affected by special boot viruses. Viruses of this type replaces the information necessary for the smooth running of the system. One of the consequences of actions such malware is the inability to boot the operating system ...

Bot-net. Bot-net is a complete network of the Internet, which is subject to administration by an attacker, and consisting of many infected computers that communicate with each other. Control of such a network is achieved by using viruses or Trojans, which penetrate into the system. In operation, malware does not manifest itself, waiting for commands from the attacker. Such networks are used to send spam messages or launching DDoS attacks on the desired server. Interestingly, users of infected computers are completely guessing about what's happening in the network.

Exploit. An exploit (security gap literally) - it is such a script or program that uses specific holes and vulnerabilities of the operating system or a program. Similarly, in the system enter the program, with which may be obtained administrator privileges.

Hoax (literally, a joke, a lie, a hoax, a joke, hoax). For several years, many Internet users get emails about viruses that spread through the alleged e-mail. Similar warnings are sent en masse from the lacrimal to send them to all contacts from your personal page.

Traps. Honeypot (honey pot) - is a network service, which has the task of watching the entire network and to attack in the event of the fire. Simple user totally unaware of the existence of such a service. If an attacker examines and monitors the network for security breaches, it may use the services offered by such a trap. At the same time will be made an entry in the log-files and automatic alarm triggered.

Macro viruses. Macro viruses - it's very small programs that are written in macro language applications. These applets are distributed only among those documents that are created specifically for this application. To activate these malicious programs need to run the application, as well as the implementation of an infected file, the macro. Unlike ordinary macro viruses that are infecting documents application rather than running the application files.

Pharming. Pharming - is hidden manipulation of host-file browser in order to direct the user to a fake website. Fraudsters include host servers for large quantities are stored on these servers a large base of fake web pages. When manipulating host-file with a Trojan or virus infected it is possible to manipulate the system. As a result, the septic system will only load fake Web sites, even if you correctly enter the address into your browser.

Phishing. Phishing is literally translated as "phishing" your personal information while in the Internet. An attacker with his actions send an email to the potential victim, which states that personal information should be sent for confirmation. Often, the name and last name required passwords, PIN codes for access to online user accounts. With the use of stolen data, the attacker could impersonate another person and to carry out any actions on his behalf.

Polymorphic viruses. Polymorphic viruses - are viruses that use the disguise to work. In the process, they can change their own code, and therefore very difficult to detect because the signature changes over time.

Software viruses. Computer virus - this is a common program that has to attach itself to other programs running, thus affecting their work. Viruses themselves distributing their copies, it is significantly distinguishes them from the Trojans. Also, unlike the virus from a worm that is necessary for the virus program, which he can assign your own code.

Rootkits. Rootkits - a specific set of software that covertly installed in the user's system, while ensuring that cybercriminals hide personal login and different processes, thus making a copy of the data.

Script viruses and worms. These types of viruses are fairly simple to write and spread mainly through e-mail. Script viruses use scripting languages ??to work to add themselves to the new scripts created or distributed through the functions of the operating network. Often the infection occurs via e-mail or through the exchange of files between users. A worm is a program that replicates itself, but at the same time that infects other programs. Worms in reproduction can not be part of other programs that set them apart from the usual types of computer viruses.

Spyware. Spyware can send your personal information without his knowledge to others. Spyware programs while analyzing user behavior on the Internet, as well as based on the data collected, showing the user ads or pop-up (pop), which will certainly be interested in this person.

Trojans. Trojans are programs that must perform some useful function, but after the launch of these programs are executed actions of another character (destructive). Trojans can not multiply themselves, and this is their main difference from computer viruses. If there was an infection, you can read an article how to remove the trojan.

Zombie. Zombies - is infected with a computer that is infected with malicious software. The computer allows hackers to remotely administer the system and use this to perform various actions required (DoS attacks, spamming, etc.).

1 comment:

  1. This is a good list of all types of viruses. For any kind of virus removal contact Virus Removal Service.
